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We Obtain the Unobtainable

When the night falls and the stakes couldn't be higher, AtNight Private Intelligence Agency emerges as your ultimate ally. We are the gold standard in navigating the shadowy realms of high-stakes intelligence and strategic operations. Serving the world's most influential—from high-profile families to leading studios, major labels, and critical government entities. Whether you're a fortunate individual caught in an unfortunate civil or criminal quagmire, or a family seeking to safeguard against the unthinkable like kidnappings, we're your fortress.

The Decisive Edge: In scenarios where the odds seem stacked against you, AtNight doesn't just provide intelligence; we redefine the game. 


Our mission is to deliver bespoke intelligence solutions that surpass the ordinary, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in intelligence gathering, field operations, and strategic advisement. With a relentless commitment to excellence, AtNight has established itself as the go-to partner for those who demand the highest level of service and results.


When darkness falls and the path forward is obscured, AtNight Private Intelligence Agency doesn't just light the way—we illuminate your victory.

AtNight Private Intelligence Agency stands as the epitome of strategic intelligence and operational excellence, serving a clientele that spans the upper echelons of society and industry:



  • Entertainment Elite: AtNight is the unseen force behind Hollywood's stars, ensuring their careers and reputations remain untarnished through expert crisis management, legal support, and strategic negotiations.

  • Government's Trusted Ally: Our relationships with top-tier agencies like the FBI and DEA are built on delivering results that enhance public safety and legal integrity.

  • Legal Luminaries: Collaborations with renowned law firms showcase our ability to shape legal outcomes through intelligence, making us an indispensable ally in high-stakes legal battles.


Your Shield in Crisis.

  • Criminal Investigations: We specialize in deciphering intricate criminal schemes, delivering to the relevant authorities all the necessary evidence on a silver platter to facilitate the apprehension and prosecution of perpetrators who would otherwise evade justice. 

  • Manhunts: By employing cutting-edge intelligence gathering techniques, including the infiltration of criminal networks and other methods typically beyond the reach of public resources, we deliver real-time intelligence to the relevant authorities, enabling them to apprehend the most elusive targets with minimized risk.

  • High-Risk Situations: Our operations prioritize civilian safety, employing tactics that mitigate harm while achieving mission objectives.


Field Operations.

  • Elite Operatives: Our operatives are drawn from the best, executing missions where precision and discretion are paramount.

  • Covert Operations: We infiltrate where access is denied, securing critical information or disrupting criminal networks.


Strategic Advisement & Execution.

  • Crisis Management: Proactive strategies that guide clients through crises, ensuring they emerge stronger.

  • Operational Planning: From inception to execution, we oversee operations, ensuring every step is precise.

  • Tailored Strategies: Bespoke solutions crafted to address the unique challenges of each client.

  • Real-Time Adjustments: Dynamic strategies that evolve with the situation, keeping our clients ahead of the curve.


Methodology & Approach.

  • Advanced Analytics & AI: Harnessing technology to uncover insights, combined with human-centric intelligence for nuanced solutions.

  • Collaborative Intelligence: A global network of expertise ensures multifaceted, robust strategies.

Why AtNight?

  • Uncompromising Excellence: We deliver not just solutions but victories, tailored to your needs.

  • Invested in Your Success: Our commitment extends beyond contracts; we're passionate about your outcomes.

  • For the Elite, by the Elite: AtNight is for those who demand the pinnacle of service, ready to partner with the best.


For those facing high-stakes challenges, AtNight Private Intelligence Agency is not just a service; we are your strategic partner in turning adversity into triumph. Contact us to secure your advantage in any scenario where intelligence, precision, and results matter most.



AtNight Private Intelligence Agency stands as the sentinel for the elite, weaving through the intricate tapestry of industries where only the best will do. Here's how we serve the upper echelons:


  • Entertainment Elite: From the glitz of Hollywood to the rhythm of record labels, AtNight is the silent force behind celebrated actors, producers, directors, and recording artists. We're not just in the background; we're the architects of success, managing PR crises, securing legal victories, and mastering complex negotiations for studios, networks, and labels alike.

  • Government's Trusted Ally: Our relationships with the highest echelons of government agencies like the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, and more, are built on trust and proven results. We're the shadow players ensuring public safety, legal integrity, and strategic advantage.


  • Legal Luminaries: Our private clientele reads like a who's who of legal prowess, with relationships including the likes of Bonjean Law Group, Lavely & Singer, Mesereau Law, Pattis & Associatesvan der Veen, Hartshorn, Levin & Lindheim, and others. These collaborations aren't just professional; they're strategic alliances where AtNight's intelligence shapes outcomes.


AtNight isn't just about serving the elite; we're about being the elite. In every industry, where the stakes are high and the challenges are formidable, we're not just present—we're pivotal. When you're at the top, you don't just need solutions; you need AtNight.

Your Shield in Crisis

When the stakes are sky-high and the dangers are real, AtNight Private Intelligence Agency stands as the vanguard for those ensnared in the most perilous situations. Here's how we redefine security and intelligence:


  • Criminal Investigations: Our expertise extends beyond the conventional, diving deep into the murky waters of criminal activities. Whether it's unraveling complex financial frauds or navigating through the labyrinth of high-profile legal battles, our intelligence capabilities are unmatched.


  • Manhunts: From locating missing individuals to tracking down fugitives, our operations are swift and precise. Leveraging advanced HUMINT, OSINT, and cutting-edge technology, we turn the invisible visible, ensuring that no matter how elusive the target, AtNight will find them.


  • High-Risk, High-Stake Situations: In scenarios where civilians are in grave danger, be it from kidnappings, violent crimes, or terrorist threats, AtNight steps in with strategic acumen. Our operations are designed to mitigate civilian harm, employing tactics that prioritize safety while achieving objectives.


  • Civilian Safety: Our approach to civilian safety is proactive. We conduct detailed risk assessments, implement protective measures, and engage in real-time threat response. Our goal is not just to react but to prevent crises before they unfold, ensuring that civilians are not just safe but feel secure.

AtNight Private Intelligence Agency doesn't just operate in the shadows; we illuminate the path to safety and justice. For those in the throes of danger or navigating the complex web of criminal investigations, AtNight is not just an agency; we're your lifeline.

Field Operations: Where Precision Meets Action

AtNight Private Intelligence Agency doesn't just plan from the shadows; we execute with tactical precision. Here's how our field operatives redefine the landscape of intelligence operations:


  • Elite Operatives: Our operatives are not just skilled; they're exceptional, drawn from the ranks of elite intelligence units. They thrive in environments where others falter, equipped with the acumen to navigate and overcome the most daunting challenges.


  • Covert Infiltrations: When access is denied and information is guarded, AtNight operatives slip through the cracks. Whether it's securing critical evidence or gathering intelligence from high-risk zones, our infiltrations are silent, swift, and effective.


  • Strategic Disruptions: We don't just observe criminal networks; we dismantle them. By targeting their lifelines—communications, finances, logistics—AtNight disrupts operations at their core, rendering these networks ineffective and vulnerable.

AtNight Private Intelligence Agency's field operations are more than just missions; they're the embodiment of tactical excellence. In a world where action speaks louder than words, AtNight's operatives are the silent force that turns the tide, ensuring that our clients' interests are not just protected but advanced. When the situation demands more than intelligence, when it demands action, AtNight is there—unseen, unheard, but undeniably effective.

Strategic Advisement & Execution: Insights into Action

AtNight Private Intelligence Agency doesn't just offer intelligence; we provide the strategic roadmap to navigate and conquer the most complex challenges. Here's how we blend deep insights with decisive action:


  • Crisis Management and Response: When crises strike, AtNight steps in with not just advice but a comprehensive strategy. Our crisis management isn't reactive; it's proactive, offering immediate action plans that mitigate risks and steer towards favorable outcomes. We guide clients through the storm, ensuring they emerge stronger.


  • Operational Planning and Support: Our strategic advisement begins at the inception of an operation. From crafting the initial strategy to overseeing its execution, AtNight's advisors are hands-on. We don't just plan; we participate, ensuring that every step is taken with precision and every operation is a success.


  • Tailored Strategies: Recognizing that one size does not fit all, our strategies are bespoke. We dive deep into the specifics of each client's situation, crafting solutions that address their unique challenges and leverage their strengths.


  • Real-Time Adjustments: The battlefield of high-stakes operations is dynamic. AtNight's advisors are adept at making real-time adjustments, ensuring that our strategies remain effective even as the ground shifts beneath our feet.


  • End-to-End Execution: Our involvement doesn't end with planning. We execute, oversee, and refine operations, providing continuous support from conception to completion. This holistic approach ensures that our clients benefit from not just advice but from a partnership that sees things through.


  • Post-Operation Analysis: After the dust settles, AtNight conducts thorough reviews to learn, adapt, and improve. This cycle of continuous improvement ensures that our strategic advisement and execution capabilities evolve, staying ahead of threats and challenges.


AtNight Private Intelligence Agency doesn't just offer a service; we provide a partnership where intelligence meets action. In a world where strategy is king, AtNight reigns supreme, ensuring that our clients are not just prepared for battle but are equipped to win it. 

Our Methodology & Approach: Where Tradition Meets the Future

AtNight Private Intelligence Agency stands at the forefront of innovation, where cutting-edge technology meets the timeless art of human intelligence. Here's how we fuse the old with the new to redefine the intelligence landscape:


  • Advanced Analytics and AI: AtNight harnesses the power of AI and advanced analytics to sift through oceans of data. Our systems identify patterns, predict behaviors, and uncover insights that would otherwise remain hidden, providing our clients with predictive intelligence that's steps ahead of the curve.


  • Human-Centric Intelligence: While we embrace technology, we never forget the human element. Our operatives are not just data analysts; they're thinkers, strategists, and problem solvers. This human touch ensures that our intelligence isn't just data-driven but infused with the nuance and intuition that only human experience can provide.


  • Collaborative Intelligence: AtNight operates as a global brain trust. By pooling expertise from around the world, we create a synergy where diverse insights converge, crafting solutions that are robust, multifaceted, and tailored to the unique challenges our clients face.

Agility & Adaptability: The Art of Pivoting

In a world where change is the only constant, AtNight's agility is our strength. Here's how we ensure our operations are not just responsive but proactive:


  • Our operations are designed to be fluid. As new information comes to light, AtNight's strategies evolve. This dynamic approach ensures that we're not just reacting to changes but anticipating them, keeping our clients one step ahead.​


  • AtNight isn't static; we're always learning. After each operation, we analyze, adapt, and improve, ensuring that our methodologies and technologies remain at the cutting edge of intelligence gathering and execution.


AtNight Private Intelligence Agency isn't just about gathering information; we're about transforming it into actionable, innovative solutions. By blending the best of human intelligence with the power of AI, and maintaining an unparalleled level of agility, AtNight ensures that our clients are not just prepared for today's challenges but are positioned to shape tomorrow's opportunities. When the future is uncertain, AtNight is your certainty.

Transforming Challenges into Victories

AtNight Private Intelligence Agency doesn't just navigate challenges; we conquer them. Here's how our track record speaks volumes:


  • High-Profile Litigation Support: Our intelligence has been the linchpin in securing evidence that turned the tide in landmark legal battles. While we can't name names, our work has led to verdicts that have set precedents.

Why AtNight? The Right Partner for the Right Clients

Choosing AtNight isn't just selecting a service; it's forging a partnership that redefines success:


  • Uncompromising Excellence: We don't settle for good enough. AtNight delivers excellence as standard, ensuring that our clients receive not just solutions but victories.


  • For the Elite, by the Elite: AtNight isn't for everyone. We cater to those who demand the pinnacle of service, who understand the value of unparalleled expertise, and who are ready to partner with the best. For those who refuse to settle, AtNight is the only choice.

AtNight's Unmatched Legacy of Vindicating the Wrongfully Accused Makes Us the Vanguard of Defense in the #MeToo Era

In an age where allegations can swiftly ignite into public spectacles, both within the hallowed halls of justice and the relentless arena of media, AtNight Private Intelligence Agency has risen as the undisputed maestro in orchestrating triumphs from these intricate and emotionally charged scenarios. AtNight stands solitary as the paragon of counsel and strategy for luminaries ensnared in allegations that loom as existential threats to their careers and personal sanctuaries.

Securing Liberation for the Falsely Incarcerated

The acumen of AtNight was instrumental in the liberation of a celebrity icon who endured a prolonged ordeal of baseless accusations, culminating in wrongful incarceration. Despite the endeavors of the nation's most elite legal minds spanning from coast to coast and the expenditure of fortunes on defense, it was AtNight's strategic masterstroke that gathered intelligence that ultimately assisted in the successful resolution of the matter. Our operatives, wielding a fusion of intelligence, legal finesse, and media mastery, executed a singular, decisive maneuver, transforming an ostensibly insurmountable obstacle into a resounding victory, thereby reinstating the client’s liberty and honor.

Shielding Against the Onslaught of Public Opinion

AtNight excels in fortifying clients against the corrosive impact of fabricated narratives and the harsh glare of public scrutiny. In a memorable case, a cherished actor was targeted by a vengeful former employee who mobilized a cohort to concoct accusations, imperiling his career and standing. As legal teams mobilized, AtNight was commissioned and responded with alacrity. Within mere hours, our media strategy and intelligence apparatus were deployed, swiftly discrediting the spurious claims and effectively extinguishing the narrative before it could take root in public consciousness. This prompt and resolute intervention ensured the actor's career and public image remained unscathed.

The Indispensable Ally in High-Stakes #MeToo Scenarios

Our synergy with prestigious law firms provides a glimpse into AtNight’s unparalleled stature in the legal and strategic landscape. When the stakes are at their zenith and the road ahead is fraught with peril, AtNight emerges as the indispensable ally to traverse the labyrinthine challenges of the #MeToo movement. Our synthesis of tactical brilliance, legal expertise, and media dominance positions us as the singular choice for those demanding immediate, efficacious resolutions.

AtNight transcends the role of mere advisor; we are your bulwark in the most critical junctures, ensuring veracity triumphs and reputations remain untarnished. With our peerless record of success, AtNight stands as the sole bastion capable of restoring the names of the wrongfully accused and shielding our clientele from the tempests of public and media scrutiny.

Immediate Engagement. Resolute Outcomes.

In an epoch where accusations can precipitate life-altering ramifications, AtNight furnishes the expert guidance and swift action requisite to secure our clients' destinies. Entrust AtNight for intelligence, strategy, and outcomes that redefine the realm of possibility, even amidst the most formidable #MeToo adversities.

Masters of High-Risk & High-Threat Target Apprehension

AtNight Private Intelligence Agency is pivotal in the strategic and safe capture of high-risk and high-threat targets, encompassing escaped convicts, fugitives listed on the nation's most-wanted rosters, and individuals deemed critical by both domestic and international law enforcement. Our expertise extends through relationships with premier agencies like the FBI, U.S. Marshals Service, and the Rewards for Justice program, empowering us to execute operations with precision, whether on American soil or abroad.


Collaborating with Federal Agencies for Tactical Triumph


AtNight’s operatives are uniquely trained to facilitate the tracking, capture, and de-escalation of individuals who represent substantial risks to societal safety. Our profound experience in intelligence acquisition, on-the-ground operations, and strategic counseling enables us to predict the movements of high-risk targets and implement strategies that guarantee their capture with the least possible risk to law enforcement and civilians. From chasing down a fugitive on the FBI’s Top 20 list to engaging in high-stakes international pursuits, AtNight’s participation is a hallmark of success.


Constructing Ironclad Cases for Federal Prosecutors


Our role extends beyond mere capture; AtNight serves as a cornerstone for federal prosecutors by providing indispensable assistance in amassing robust evidence that fortifies cases against these high-threat figures. Our operatives are adept at pinpointing and addressing gaps in legal strategies, ensuring that all aspects are covered with unassailable evidence. This methodical approach furnishes prosecutors with the vital information necessary to dismantle defense tactics, thereby securing convictions that withstand judicial scrutiny.


Advanced Evidence Collection and Analysis


AtNight utilizes sophisticated methodologies for evidence gathering and analysis, harnessing our worldwide network and state-of-the-art technology to unearth crucial data often overlooked by traditional approaches. Our involvement has been pivotal in landmark cases where precision is paramount and the stakes are monumental. From digital forensics and covert operations to the preparation of expert witnesses, AtNight’s engagement guarantees that federal prosecutors are equipped to achieve just verdicts.


Your Ally in the Pursuit of Justice


AtNight’s dedication to justice transcends mere intelligence and strategy; we are committed to ensuring that perilous individuals face justice in a manner that is both effective and compliant with the law. Our renown for excellence in apprehending the most evasive and hazardous fugitives is only surpassed by our capacity to support legal teams in constructing cases that are impervious to challenge. For those in need of a reliable partner in high-risk target apprehension and legal support, AtNight is poised to deliver outcomes that are unparalleled in the industry.


Precision. Expertise. Results.


In the realm of high-risk apprehensions and bolstering federal cases, AtNight is the linchpin in transforming daunting challenges into definitive victories. Our involvement in these operations is not merely supplementary—it is indispensable, ensuring that each mission culminates in the peaceful resolution and robust prosecution of those who endanger society. With AtNight, you are assured of expertise, precision, and an unyielding commitment to justice

Contact Us & Secure Your Advantage with AtNight

When the stakes are high and the path forward is obscured by complexity, AtNight Private Intelligence Agency is your beacon. Here's how you can take the first step towards securing your strategic advantage:


  • Initiate Contact: Whether you're navigating a labyrinthine legal challenge, orchestrating a critical government operation, or facing any scenario that demands intelligence beyond the conventional, AtNight is here to partner with you. Reach out to us to discuss how we can tailor our expertise to your unique needs.


  • Confidential Consultation: Our initial consultations are conducted with the utmost confidentiality. We understand the sensitivity of your situation and ensure that all discussions are secure and discreet.


  • Customized Solutions: Every challenge is unique. During our consultation, we'll explore your specific circumstances to craft a bespoke strategy that leverages AtNight's full spectrum of capabilities.


  • Immediate Action: Time is often of the essence. Once engaged, AtNight can mobilize swiftly, deploying our resources to address your situation with the urgency it deserves.


  • Long-Term Partnership: Beyond immediate solutions, AtNight offers ongoing support, ensuring that as your situation evolves, so does our strategy. We're not just here for the battle; we're here for the war.

To take control of your situation with the precision and power of AtNight, contact us via e-mail at and to schedule a call. Please note as of September 2024, the minimum retainer to provide services is $500,000.00.

AtNight Private Intelligence Agency isn't just about solving problems; we're about securing your future. When you need more than intelligence, when you need a strategic victory, AtNight is your partner in turning the tide. Contact us today to learn how we can transform your challenges into your greatest successes.

Contract the AtNight Agency

We are only accepting clients with budgets in excess of $500,000.00. A retainer of $500,000.00 is required to initiate consultation or other services. Email to schedule a discussion.

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